askamiss logo 2Here are a list of relevant articles compiled by a great resource site called  The link to the left is a direct link to their resource page.  Excellent materials!!!

Articles about Support-Raising

Financing Missions by A. Scott Moreau in the Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions

Mueller, Taylor or Moody: whose approach is best? by Steve Shadrach and Dave Dougherty

Support Raising by Steve Shadrach

Debt Dilemma by Amy Prange

The Blessings of Deputation by Ernest Pickering

Money Matters excerpted from Missions in the Third Millennium by Stan Guthrie.

Finances for the Work excerpted from Out of the Comfort Zone by George Verwer.

Financing an Education by Global Opportunities

Missionary Affluence by A. Scott Moreau in the Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions

For reasons to live with less on the mission field read Roger Greenway’s classic article Eighteen Barrels and Two Big Crates on how and why our ‘stuff’ gets in the way of our witness.