Spring Break Missions March 2023 — Costa Rica

Click here to support Samuel’s trip to Costa Rica.

I am currently in my senior year at Victory Christian School, and I will be graduating this coming spring. I can’t believe I’m almost finished with school! I’m nervous but excited about what God has for me in the future. I’ve enjoyed working and going to school, but I recently started feeling like God wanted me to serve in a more intentional way. That’s why I joined the missions team to participate in a mission trip to Costa Rica this spring break. 

The week-long trip is this coming March. We will be going to schools each day sharing dramas, a gospel message, and then individually praying with and ministering to students. We will also do some ministry in a plaza, as well as food distribution in very low-income villages.

Now, here’s where you come in. A trip like this would not be possible without external support. It’s my great desire that I would have a big network of people supporting me through prayer and donations. I’ve started fundraising and have some creative ideas to get as many people involved as possible. Knowing that people are supporting us from afar will encourage our team when we encounter challenges. I’d love it if you could be a part of my support network!

You may give here by following the Donate Now link on this page or by mailing a check to Bridge the Gap International, Inc., PO Box 702558, Tulsa, OK 74170-2558.  

Thank you in advance for partnering with me in this adventure! I know it may be a sacrifice to support me financially, and I want you to know how much I appreciate it. I also want to be clear that your emotional and prayerful support means much more to me than any donation. I’d love to talk with you more about my mission trip or hear any creative ideas you might have for fundraising. I can’t wait to see what God continues to teach me through this opportunity and to tell you all about it. Thanks for being a part of it!

With love and appreciation, 

Samuel Loescher

Click here to support Samuel’s trip to Costa Rica.


WHO IS BRIDGE THE GAP INTERNATIONAL?  Bridge the Gap International is a missions service organization that has been operating since 1993.  You may visit our website at gobgi.org to learn more.

MAKING A DONATION: When you click on a SUPPORT link above, you will be taken to a donation page for this ministry.  A pop-up will appear offering you several options:  1) Create a new account,  2) Log in using an existing id and password, or 3) Log in using your Facebook or Twitter account.  This will direct you to a more generic donation page that will let you set up one-time or recurring donations from your credit card or bank account.  (Disregard the “You do not have an active membership” comment that may appear at the top of the page.)  Once you make your contribution, you will receive an emailed receipt that will acknowledge your gift.

WHY DO I NEED TO LOG IN OR HAVE A USER ID?  By logging in, you help us minimize the number of duplicate accounts we have in the system.  If you did not log in, each time you would donate to this ministry, a new account would be created in your name. And, logging in saves you time by automatically filling in your name and address information when you give.  When logged in you can view your giving history and update your address information.

ON YOUR CREDIT CARD OR BANK STATEMENT.  “Bridge the Gap International, Inc.” will be the name that appears for this transaction.

If you do have questions, please contact us at (918) 477-7007 or gobgi@gobgi.world.  Thank you so much for taking time to invest in this work!

Dr. Randy Loescher

President, BGI, Inc.